Saturday 29 November 2008

Starting book voyages

Couple of months ago I was travelling to Madrid. I'm very anxious and restless person when it comes to travelling so I knew I'd need something to keep me entertained. So I bought a book, a random book at the airport from where I was departing. Nevertheless, I felt quite restless during the flight and I had quite a hard time to get started with the story. I could read only one hour out of six.

Few weeks back, however, I decided to take the book with me one morning when I was going to work. I started to read it on the bus and since that I had hard time to lay it down. Every morning I took the book with me with full excitment.

That is how I started my book voyages, and now I always carry a book with me.

In this blog I write about books that have impressed me, books that are worth reading. At best stories in those books start to live in your mind and sometimes you even feel like being part of the story through the feelings it arouses. And after ending one story you can't just wait to start another one.